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Top 5 thrill rides at Disneyland Paris

We all know that Disney parks aren’t just for kids. There are so many great attractions for adults and theme park enthusiasts. Now I’m going to be completely honest with you straight of the bat… if you’re an adrenaline junkie and only in this for the white knuckle rides, then maybe Disneyland Paris isn’t number one on your list of destinations. However, there are some attractions in the Paris line-up that will raise blood pressure of even the most daring of thrill seekers! These are our top 5 thrill rides at Disneyland Paris.


We have mentioned this in a previous post, but this is a majorly underrated ride at Disneyland Paris. There are never any queues and it’s always a walk on (when the ride is actually running!). So it may not be the most aesthetically pleasing of rides… and it’s so far out of the way you would be forgiven for never stumbling across it in a month of Sundays! But it’s got all of the elements for a classic white knuckle roller coaster. Loops, drops, twists, turns and high speeds all make for a really great ride. If you’re in need of an adrenaline rush, you should most certainly have on your to do list!


Going from a ride you’ll walk on, to one you’ll likely be waiting hours for. Crush’s Coaster is certainly the most popular ride at Walt Disney Studios Park in Paris. But there is a simple reason for this; it’s an exciting ride that can be totally different every single time you ride. This is because the ride car spins whilst hurtling around the ocean and depending on the weight distribution, you could be making those drops backwards. If that’s not cause for a good scream, I don’t know what is. With drops, vertical turns and spinning aplenty this is a must do for the thrill seeker.


Oh, Space Mountain. The classic ride that you will find in all Disney parks in one form or another. The Paris version however, may just be the most exciting of all. Sure, the Disney purist may say nothing will beat the original and perhaps it won’t. But without wanting to upset any die-hard fans, the original version in Disney World isn’t exactly the most thrilling. This is where Star Wars: Hyperspace Mountain comes in. The only similarities of this and the original are the ride building and the fact it’s set in space. That’s where the similarities end. You’ll be launched at high speed through a track that has loops, inversions, drops, stops and amazing effects to immerse you in the Star Wars universe. So if you are brave enough to open your eyes on this one, do try.


“RC Racer? That kids ride in Toy Story Playland? Second on your list of Top Thrill Ride?” Yes. You heard me. This is a thrill ride in disguise, sort of. From the outside you see a U shaped track that the RC Car goes backwards and forwards on – kind of like a reverse pirate ship. From afar it looks a breeze, but as you begin to get closer and closer you see that this is much higher than you first thought. And the top of the track is slightly inverted meaning at one point your half way to upside down. The ride is over very quickly; it’s around 5 times forward and 5 times back. If you’re in the middle of the car then the effect is slightly less scary. But if you manage to be seated on the very front or back rows, you will be at the highest point of the ride. If you can keep those eyes open, you will see you’re at a great height, feeling weightlessness and probably terrified that you’re falling out of your seat. Feeling all that in about a second is emotion over load and this inevitably leads to the screams! A great ride, but maybe not one for the fainthearted.


Of course number one on our list had to be Tower of Terror. It’s undeniably the most thrilling ride at Disneyland Paris. This classic Disney attraction is iconic, and one of the most divisive among Disney fans; you either love it or you hate it. Based on the TV show The Twilight Zone, the ride takes place in the fictional Hollywood Tower Hotel where “one stormy night long ago, five people stepped through the door of an elevator and into a nightmare.”. After watching a pre show, guests head to the boiler room and are loaded on to a maintenance service elevator where the story continues. The elevator ascends to the fifth floor and you drop. If you’re a thrill seeker, nothing can beat that feeling of your heart in your mouth & your stomach falling out. The fact that this ride has a randomised drop sequence means you don’t know exactly what will happen and just adds to the excitement. This is one right that everyone comes off laughing and full of adrenaline.

So there you have our top thrill rides at Disneyland Paris. Do you agree with our list? What is your most thrilling Disney ride?

See you real soon.

Josh & Becky

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